Corma investigations informs

Removing Your Personal Data From The Internet
Many people can take advantage of your private information on the internet and use it for their purposes, which are,

Business Partner Screening: Top-Notch Due Diligence for Minimizing Risks
Protecting your company is paramount in this day and age. A lot of potential business partners have a questionable history

Supporting Investigations With Image Forensics & Photo Forensics
Supporting Investigations with Image Forensics & Photo Forensics
Today, picture editing is easier than ever.

Online Monitoring – Online Reputation
Monitoring your information Monitoring or online surveillance of their own information is indispensable for companies. Companies want to know what

The Visibility Audit
With this article, I would like to show you an example of how you can use a specially adapted workflow

Social Media Searches
Social Media Searches In today’s world, it’s vital that companies monitor their online reputation on the social networks. More than

The All-Round Tool for OSINT Internet Investigations – Part 2
The Unbeatable Versatility of Social Links Transforms Which other areas do the transforms of Social Links cover? Currently, the Maltego

The All-Round Tool for OSINT Internet Investigations – Part 1
Which Maltego transforms are best suited for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) research? Transforms remain at the core of Maltego. They

Mozilla Firefox as Investigation Browser
Firefox Quantum – the Browser for Research and Investigation The popular Mozilla Firefox web browser is a great investigative browser.

Essential Maltego Transforms for OSINT and Investigations
How to optimize Maltego for OSINT Investigations with Maltego Transforms In my experience, Maltego is an important and useful addition

Keyword Research – Basis for Online Monitoring
Basis for online monitoring: Creatively find and optimize keywords for Google In the previous articles, the importance of the right

Chrome Investigation Browser for OSINT
Optimize Chrome as a browser for research and OSINT Google Chrome is very popular with Internet users as a browser.